Why are you not selling HEETS Dimensions - Yugen anymore?

Support FAQ HEETS tobacco sticks Why are you not selling HEETS Dimensions - Yugen anymore?
Support FAQ HEETS tobacco sticks Why are you not selling HEETS Dimensions - Yugen anymore?
  • We are continually looking ahead and exploring new possibilities to enhance your smoke free tobacco experience. 
  • As our selection of HEETS evolve, sometimes we retire certain flavour variants.
  • Since Dimensions Yugen has refreshing aroma, most similar HEETS would be Purple Selection, HEETS Turquoise Selection is from a refreshing line as well.
  • You can also try out 3 HEETS kit that consists of Purple, Turquoise and Yellow to help find which variant suits you better.
  • All HEETS are produced to the same high quality to deliver real tobacco taste and cigarette like satisfaction. 
  • You can discover your next favourite on iqos.com (Bundle Catalogue link)
  • Alternatively visit your nearest IQOS store to learn more and our team will be happy to help you find a flavour that suits your preference(s).