Important Information

Good Conversion Practices for PMI’s Smoke-free Products

PMI offers a variety of quality, scientifically substantiated smoke-free products that are better choices than continued smoking. Our vision is that our smoke-free products will one day replace cigarettes.
1. Cigarette smoking causes serious diseases and is addictive. Without question, the best decision any smoker can make is to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether.
2. Minors should not use tobacco or nicotine in any form.
3. PMI’s smoke-free products are for adults who would otherwise continue to smoke or use other nicotine products.
4. We do not offer PMI’s smoke-free products to people who have never used tobacco or nicotine products or who have quit using tobacco and nicotine products. Our smoke-free products are not alternatives to quitting and are not designed as cessation aids.
5. PMI’s smoke-free products are not risk free and contain nicotine, which is addictive. Switching to a smoke-free product is, however, a better choice than continuing to smoke.
6. We support our adult smoke-free product users in their journey to full conversion through education and guidance.
7. For consumers to experience the benefits of smoke-free products, they must switch completely and abandon smoking permanently.
8. We inform consumers of all relevant safety information about our smoke-free products.


Safety Warnings & Instructions

Tobacco and Nicotine

  • Tobacco sticks used with IQOSTMand with lilTM devices contain nicotine, which is addictive.
  • IQOS and lil is not risk-free. The best way to reduce tobacco- and nicotine-related health risks is to quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether.
  • Some users of nicotine-containing products may experience abdominal pain, chest pain, choking sensation, cough, difficulty breathing, dizziness, dry mouth, dry throat, gingivitis, headache, malaise, nasal stuffiness, nausea, mouth irritation, palpitations, throat irritation, and vomiting.
  • Nicotine-containing products should not be used by people who have or are at risk of heart disease, are diabetic, are epileptic, or are experiencing seizures.
  • Nicotine-containing products should not be used during pregnancy or while breast-feeding. If you are pregnant, breast-feeding, or think you may be pregnant, you should quit tobacco and nicotine use altogether.
  • Stopping smoking or switching to IQOS, lil and their respective tobacco sticks or other nicotine-containing products may require the adjustment of the dosing of certain medicines (e.g. theophylline, clozapine, ropinirole).
  • If you have questions about whether you should use IQOS and lil given an existing health condition, consult a health care professional.


Use of tobacco sticks and pods

  • Only use:
    • IQOS 3 DUOTM or earlier generation devices with HEETSTMsticks,
    • lil SOLIDTMwith FiitTM tobacco sticks.

Never use IQOS or lil devices with a cigarette or similar products. Doing so may cause injury.

  • Do not modify HeatSticks and Fiit sticks in any way or add any substance to HEETS sticks or Fiit sticks. 


Prior to use of a product, users should read the full Safety Warnings & Instructions, which contain important safety information about the use of the product.

Safety Warnings & Instructions for IQOS 2.4+
Safety Warnings & Instructions for IQOS 3 Multi
Safety Warnings & Instructions for IQOS 3 DUO
Safety Warnings & Instructions for lil SOLID 2.0

Please read more on important information in FAQ here.